Received my Sol reader this week and it’s one of the coolest products I’ve used in years (since Eight sleep, maybe?) Still very early, prototype-ish feel, but if you read a lot, it’s worth trying! Super immersive experience, but in a way that helps focus vs takes away from the content https://solreader.com
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Are they comfortable when laying down in bed and can you move around or do you need to be still?
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Comfy, yes. You could move around but it would be weird because you don’t see ahead of you 😅
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I enjoy reading before I fall asleep and holding an iPhone is not a good experience. But I also can’t see how Sol would work if I’m laying down on my side. The main benefit seems to be that it eliminates all other distractions.
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As someone who has dropped his kindle on his face + woke up his wife with the light, the Sol glasses are a net improvement on both those fronts 😄 I read laying on my back
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Anecdotally, I’ve found the screen format (smaller than a kindle page) makes it easier to read more “complicated” books before sleeping vs Kindle. YMMV
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Someone should create a video ad showcasing ppl accidentally dropping their phones on their faces while reading. It's always hilarious when it happens to me. Sometimes, I also realize that I'm practically stabbing myself in the chest while lying down and holding my iPhone 😅
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