Parvati pfp
In celebration of being boosted today, few things: - by the time you’re 30, you need to own a cool jacket everyone recognises you by - chaos is random but so is order and order is perceived - if you have a wife, it’s the weekend, why are you on farcaster? Go love her - sugar is criminal but in your drinks, it’s blasphemy - if you ever find yourself in India, the only thing you really need to do is feel alive — which you will. - if you are serious about making money, cheggout /castmoney — it’s by my v best friends. The alpha is actually in how cool they are and completely unaware of it. - when you make the aforementioned money, please become a patron of art and science - pondering >>>>>> mulling. Always ponder - time cannot be wasted, only you can - I hope you get to bite into a crunchy extra juicy apple today - and I hope it makes you want to change yo mind about a few tings
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tk pfp
- taste is the smallest unit of self trust
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