timbeiko.eth pfp
Of all the changes to Twitter, blog-length tweets is by far the worst. Algo quality is far worse now too, but nothing makes me switch to another app quicker than a wall of text I’m only mildly interested in.
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
I couldn’t agree more. I love blogs and well-crafted newsletters, but I also love the format that twitter helped create and I’m sad to see them so focused on trapping people on the platform that they’re trying to merge these things for the detriment of the soul of their product
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Roberto Bayardo 🎩 pfp
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
It's going to be a rude awakening for them when they find that gimmicks like these that appear to make users more sticky in a limited a/b experiment don't translate into wins over the long-term (and even end up doing harm).
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