keccers pfp
They gave me the money. The PARTY released the funds and gave me the $$$. And they have been just sitting there ever since. I met with a used car guy and discussed budget and what I could buy with that budget. I told him I will match what was raised with my own savings and I plan to stick with that. I have a list of makes and models. And then promptly proceeded to go out of town most weekends after. I am back now but leaving again, and have not done my homework. @anisha texts me like 1x week to remind me. You have allies you donโ€™t even know who want to see this realized to the end. There are other relevant notes here with my own personal finances but really thereโ€™s no excuse and I am dragging my feet. You guys empowered me to do this myself which has some ups and downs. I have never owned a car in my life or for that matter even ever driven in a car alone despite being licensed ๐Ÿ’€ I actually am struggling with this a lot despite knowing it will improve my QoL
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thoughtcrimeboss pfp
IDK about y'all but if some people crowd funded me money for a car I would be up all night picking a car, would go buy a car the next day, and then I would immediately learn to drive said car if I didn't know how. That's amazing that happened to you though, congratulations.
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