Catching up on all things AI recently. Yes, I've been infected by the generative VC-hype, granted I did do computer vision research back in undergrad (agtech). Here's a list of resources I recommend:
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1. State of AI Report Great review of last 12 months of AI + bonus 12 month projections at the end https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WrkeJ9-CjuotTXoa4ZZlB3UPBXpxe4B3FMs9R9tn34I/edit#slide=id.g164b1bac824_0_2748
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2. Holden Karnofsky Transformative AI Series This was awesome and recommend starting here if you're intimidated to dive into AI. Audio articles ftw. https://www.cold-takes.com/forecasting-transformative-ai-the-biological-anchors-method-in-a-nutshell/
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