Dean McCall pfp

Dean McCall


114 Following

Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Making chicken schmaltz tonight + broth from rest of carcass. Love to use the whole bird when I’m in the mood for chicken. 😋
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
SXSW just took a turn. Talking to some founders that are standing in bank lines right now. Was told it’s a bunch of long stares and zombies walking around. I really feel for people right now this is going to hurt. People won’t make payroll…this is bad:(
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Jesus SVB…just wow! I’m getting some very panicked calls today. This is very bad. It’s a Bear Sterns moment for startup culture mark my words. This is going to hurt.
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Is there a way to invite new people to farcaster? How does one go about that.
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Ides of March…74th day in the Roman calendar…15 March. Marked by several religious observances and was notable in Rome as a deadline for settling debts. In 44 BC it became notorious as the date of Julius Caesar’s assassination, which marked a turning point in Roman history. 🤔
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Working on one’s self is some of the hardest work to do. It starts with honestly and knowing we all make mistakes while also knowing we have the capacity for change.
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Dean McCall pfp
Dean McCall
Is this the newer nicer twitter? Hello, WarpWorld!
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