Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
Hello FC!! Excited to introduce ⚡0xPass ⚡ Inspired by account abstraction (EIP-4337), 0xPass lets devs bring "web2-like", frictionless user experiences to their dApps in a wallet agnostic manner. ⭐ Sign up for early access - ⭐
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Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
In a few lines of code, 0xPass will let devs - - Build a secure and beautiful login flow - Onboard users without wallets - Provide gasless experiences - Pre-approve transactions through "session keys" - Bundle transactions ... and more
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Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
My co-founder and I launched two consumer dapps before we worked on 0xPass targeted at bringing mainstream creators into web3. Spent too much time building out custom authentication flows but nothing we ever did could impact the in-app UX. It was at that point that we decided to build 0xPass!
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