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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
I think the account from @chriscocreated has been hacked. My feed is only the same cast from him on different channels all over the place. Is someone seeing the same?
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
I think @dwr.eth or @v should check what's going on with the account because it had posted the same cast in almost every public channel. By the way, videos look like don't work on Android.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
See this video of my time line
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Here you have a video at 2x
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ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩 pfp
ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩
Apologies Daniel, I built a bot to let people know about the tool, in hindsight I was way to over enthusiastic about it. Also not something to do just before going to bed. Didn't mean to cause any bother, just wanted people to see it and be able to use.
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Angelika Kollin  🎩 🔵 pfp
Angelika Kollin 🎩 🔵
Same! I was wondering what is going on
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kota.eth pfp
Yup checked the link he’s sending in VirusTotal and it’s flagged as suspicious, would caution anyone connecting their wallet to that. If you check his profile he did it for every channel.
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