Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Do people actually consciously make a judgement about quality of service when they tip??! I always just mindlessly add 15-20%. So the whole "tipping incentivizes quality of service" argument has always seemed unrealistic to me.
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Tecmo Bo pfp
Tecmo Bo
Admittedly semantic, & sorry if already mentioned… but technically a “tip” is given on the front-end of an experience as an encouragement for good service (like a priority fee). A gratuity is given after service in appreciation. So only the later can be based off a judgement of quality of service preformed, while the former would be based off the expectation of quality to come.
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Tecmo Bo pfp
Tecmo Bo
I fully acknowledge this isn’t how we currently use these terms, but as someone who has worked in the service industry for years, I find the distinction kinda fascinating.
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