Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Channel changes AMA 1. Please read through the doc — I've added a few new screenshots and added another 8 q/a to the FAQ. 2. If something is still unclear, reply with your question and I'll do my best to answer! https://www.notion.so/warpcast/Upcoming-channel-changes-1056a6c0c101800caee6ea8133f8f966
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Andy pfp
My worry as someone who mainly lurks but also enjoys casting and replying from time to time: I don't necessarily have a close relationship with anyone, how would they know to invite me to a channel? Is my only option to DC someone? That will definitely discourage me from even attempting. Also, I fear this will also turn channels into more generalized channels where everything goes, rather than following a specific topic. A lot of times I want to cast something but I don't know what channel to put it in, so I go in search of a fitting one for the topic, but with the new barrier of entry I'd be more inclined to just cast it to something like /no-channel or anything I'm already a part of.
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