Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
1/ How will Farcaster succeed if apps have to compete with Warpcast? If there are enough daily active users of the protocol and the underlying data and APIs are actually permissionless, people will build new and interesting apps. This has been the plan since the beginning (channels being a new thing along the way).
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
2/ We call it product-led protocol development. If you’re not willing to the hardest thing (retained user acquisition) yourself, why would anyone else do it on your behalf? The hard part about social networks isn’t the technology, it’s getting people to use it (and keep using it).
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tani pfp
OpenAI has a very similar philosophy and it worked. It took them launching ChatGPT to blow off the lip from GPT-2 API (which was public 1.5 years before it and hardly a handful experimented with it)
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