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Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆🫂🐹 pfp
Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆🫂🐹
I posted a V3 of my FAQ where I correct a HUGE error picked up by @llamatron.eth - thanks! It's good news! See paragraph 3: ALL you need to do is make 1000 original casts if you want to maximize how many of the reactions to your casts get counted into your allowance!
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Taeekeem🎩⛓️ pfp
Thank you for updting! I have experienced that I was calculated as over-tip last 2days. I wrote down every tips I gave or received. so this is not true. and I spent all my daily allowance before it renewing. (16:00 JPT) do you have any clue why this is happening?
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Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆🫂🐹 pfp
Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆🫂🐹
Hmm, where did you get that data from?
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