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ted (not lasso)
can someone (for the sake of a thought experiment) steel man the argument for why this move is net positive for consumers? imo easier to argue why it is good for $mother and iggy and bad for consumers so let’s challenge ourselves intellectually $25 USDC for best answer @bountybot
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sean 🔹
if the business is going to accept it for future purchases as well, tokens can provide some key features: - discounts / exclusive access (good for consumers / fans) - pre-purchase revenue (good for the business) - interoperability with existing DeFi (immediate features the business doesn't need to build itself) airline points and kickstarter deposits are analogous in different ways. another cool feature of tokens as payment for specific products and services is that it allows more complex hedging. for example, a business that has a large contract with the festival could take a short position on the token so that if the festival is cancelled and they don't get the business they expected, they still gain on the (likely) decrease in value of the token.
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