nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Poll: for the rest of 2023, if you had to pick one L2/sidechain to fully commit to in terms of usage, development, culture, etc., which would it be? 1. Optimism 2. Arbitrum 3. Polygon zkEVM 4. zkSync 5. Base 6. Scroll 7. none, can’t do it 8. other
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Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
we obviously would love to support anyone building on base! one other fun fact is if you build on optimism, building on base is identical and will get easier and easier over time. the superchain ftw!
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sean pfp
your Base landing page talks about APIs for account abstraction. can you add some detail to that? are you actively supporting specific bundler networks on day 1 or offering paymaster deployment services?
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Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
to start, we're working closely with ecosystem solutions like gelato, zerodev, biconomy, safe, and others to make this really easy. in parallel, we're working with optimism to add better support for AA to the core network:
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