Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This (extremely off-putting) answer reveals a key thing that's beautiful about markets: They let people express the strength of their preferences without needing to always justify their values in front of a committee.
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Superthing.eth pfp
There is abject socialism like having to justify every purchase to a committee and then there is workable socialism like providing free medical care to those who would die otherwise. One of these versions is compatible with modern markets and one of them isn’t.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Yeah I'm definitely in favor of providing medical care to people who would otherwise not afford it.
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Lux_V 🔵 🎩 pfp
Lux_V 🔵 🎩
Ahhh wait until they start discussing the statistical value of a times
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