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did everyone memory-hole last January?
people were saying left and right they were bullish on DEGEN because Jacek had the reins.
let me repeat that, there was so much cabal psyops about how this is the right way to run a "scenecoin" (member?), there was just a fking firehose of testimonials about how genius and in control the cadres are about this.
the truth is, they're tourists that have gotten as far as liquidity rewards, but haven't studied DeFi that's gone beyond that without ponzinomics. if a system is what it does, then DEGEN has clearly been designed to kickback passive income to the cabal.
and all the while, they've been shitting on everyone else from the groupchat, stonewalling those honest enough to not only give feedback, but also those with enough good faith to suggest improvements in the public interest.
...does it seem like any of this circus is helping Base community, or the Ethereum ecosystem? they settled for a low-effort conduit L3, look how that turned out. 0 reply
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