Stelladore pfp



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Stelladore pfp
Can you guess how many png layers were used to create this specific character from the Young Lover collection? And what they are? I’ll post the answer later today!
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Stelladore pfp
I find it really hard to switch between building/designing and posting on social so I just default to what I do best (the former). Yet I’m fully aware that if I don’t talk about my work, I’m essentially building for no one. I need Forecaster OKRs 😔
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Stelladore pfp
Curious to know how an NFT collection is made? I wrote a thread about our process for designing & generating the characters of Young Lovers Social Club:
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Stelladore pfp
@dwr.eth I love the “restore draft” feature. So convenient.
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Stelladore pfp
Added the shirt and sweater to our collection! ✨✨ Thanks @dwr.eth for the inspiration!
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Stelladore pfp
Farcaster friends, I'm crowdsourcing menswear inspiration for our Young Lovers collection. I'd love it if you could you share a picture of your favorite outfit or hairstyle.
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Stelladore pfp
@whatrocks Alright, I’m doing it. I’m reading The Artist’s Way. I’m a few pages in and I love it already.
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Stelladore pfp
Farcasters who journal on a regular basis, when and how do you do it? What time of the day? On what support (physical notebook, app, etc.)? Do you use prompts?
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Stelladore pfp
I’m a product designer taking a few months off to work on creative projects and expand my horizons. What should I do, learn, read, listen to? Bonus point for any suggestion that will take me away from screens 📺💻
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