_slow_crypto πŸŒ…β³πŸͺ pfp
_slow_crypto πŸŒ…β³πŸͺ
Oh dear. My wife is now one of you.
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🌢️ Zach Harris πŸ₯€ pfp
🌢️ Zach Harris πŸ₯€
Fucking pirates the lot of you
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_slow_crypto πŸŒ…β³πŸͺ pfp
_slow_crypto πŸŒ…β³πŸͺ
Not me, sir. Despite the nickname Pirate Tom.
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🌢️ Zach Harris πŸ₯€ pfp
🌢️ Zach Harris πŸ₯€
The men from Yorkshire are uniquely civilized lot aren’t they?
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