Simon de la Rouviere pfp
Simon de la Rouviere
Look, I know things aren't the best they can be, but this vision from Balaji on a gray tribe takeover of San Francisco is terrifying. Big horseshoe theory energy here, unaware of how fascist it sounds.
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Josh | The Blockchain Socialist pfp
Josh | The Blockchain Socialist
Agreed although idk if it's horseshoe theory or anything, just run of the mill techno-fascism which has often tried to portray itself as progressive
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Spencer Graham 🧢 pfp
Spencer Graham 🧢
truly terrifying
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Holly pfp
I think it's ridiculous to think that a stronger police force could clean up the streets. The homeless subculture is strong in SF with roots going back to the Okies and tramps of the Depression. These people just want to be free. The techies have only made the situation worse there. Blocking off streets will not help
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Guto Martino 🧑‍🚀🎩 ᖽ pfp
Guto Martino 🧑‍🚀🎩 ᖽ
Tbh, I believe that most of Balaj’s ideas lean towards techno-fascism dressed up in nice clothes. e/acc right curve.
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