Simon de la Rouviere pfp
Simon de la Rouviere
Really considering moving Witness The Draft to an L2: Witnessing shouldn't cost so much money. Unsure what the best practices are. Anyone have any links/sources for moving/porting NFTs to L2s?
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Dan Fowler pfp
Dan Fowler
Is there some kind of atomic swap where you burn and reissue?
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Simon de la Rouviere pfp
Simon de la Rouviere
My working assumption is that you create some kind of wrapper that re-issues it when transferred to it. Unsure. But, doing it one transaction would be nice/ideal. Not sure if there's routing for this? Have to dig in.
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Juan Blanco pfp
Juan Blanco
So a l1 contract bridge, that it burns it and messages l2 with a call to the nft smartcontract that will mint on receive with the message and from sender
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Dan Fowler pfp
Dan Fowler
Feels technically not insane, and would be relatively cheap on the L2 "re-"mint side to issue out to all holders. The burn transfer on L1 obv less so, but could always just update metadata to indicate. Depends how important that part is rly.
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