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shazow pfp
Is there a farcaster node which produces a fediverse-compatible activitypub feed of just my posts so it appears that my farcaster account is a self-hosted equivalent of a mastodon instance to other fediverse instances?
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
There has been some ideas towards this in the past for sure: But in this interview, Jay Graber from Bluesky mentions that many Fediverse communities were very hostile to the idea of a Bluesky<>ActivityPub Bridge, I think Bluesky<>FC might have more social buy-in.
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horsefacts pfp
Not right now (as far as I know), but cool idea.
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🪷 pfp
relatedly, @shawki made castRSS. Check out the different feeds of your posts available at
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