Shamil pfp
7 tips to stop doomscrolling Create phone-free zones Dinner table or the bedroom are good places to start– designate some spaces where your phone isn’t allowed. Set time limits Set daily limits, schedule "scroll breaks," and use bedtime modes. Swap scrolling for something real Read a book, call a friend or go for a walk. Get an alarm clock Replace your phone with an alarm clock to remove your phone from the bedside. Turn off notifications When your phone lights up and notifies you, you’re more likely to open your phone and check apps. Turn off notifications for distracting apps. Unsubscribe and unfollow Let go of accounts that drain your energy. Follow folks who inspire, educate, and make you laugh. Kickstart with digital detox Remove yourself from your own space and do a digital detox to remind yourself how it feels to be offline. Or do screen free day or evening a week.
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