笑笑😊 pfp



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笑笑😊 pfp
😂 😂 😂
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笑笑😊 pfp
To create change, innovate beyond existing norms. Build a new future that renders the old irrelevant.
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笑笑😊 pfp
Power over history shapes our future, while managing the present dictates how history is remembered.
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. - George Orwell, 1984
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474 reactions

Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." —Buckminster Fuller.
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421 reactions

Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
Coming off a big week in DC and a series of election wins for pro crypto candidates, we’re excited to announce an additional $25 million in new contributions to Fairshake and related entities, bringing our total to $47 million. 🇺🇸
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Is there anyone who reliably follows the best casters? I'd like to add more sources of good people to the Automod for /crypto
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163 reactions

Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Do NFT royalties have a future in crypto? The possibility of ensuring that creators get paid directly, even as assets change hands, is attractive. But there have been deep technical and economic obstacles in the way. This piece outlines the challenges around transfer royalties + a few very crisp new ideas!
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July pfp
12 replies
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July pfp
Happy /july everyone
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笑笑😊 pfp
star wars fans~
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