Sean pfp



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Sean pfp
This week I built a free mint frame of photos I took while living in India in 2012. City shots, fields in Kerala, beaches, remote villages. Bonus: I have 20 /farcards to send to 20 wallets that mint and also follow /anthropology
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Sean pfp
Our 16th century ancestors were heavy beer drinkers
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Sean pfp
minted my /farcards
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Sean pfp
Casted about buying mfer coin on Twitter yesterday and next thing you know I’m added to a group chat called mfer chads and I’m in a war with something called a “Brett”. Study the culture of these /mfers
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Sean pfp
Who studied /anthropology
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Sean pfp
I missed BTC and ETH early because I studied /anthropology in college and went on to bartend in Miami for years after college. I was never on the internet and only cared about meeting friends and enjoying life. I was 27 when I taught myself to code and have been online ever since.
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Sean pfp
The energy of Lorenzo Medici during the conflict between Naples and Florence in the late 1470s, when his family was under attack, gets me fired up and is a masterclass in how to handle conflict and gain public support.
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Sean pfp
My leadership style
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Sean pfp
The word “diary” comes from the Latin “diarium” which means “daily allowance”. An FC client that just is a feed of each tippers diary, displaying what content they tip.
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Sean pfp
Everything Everywhere All at Once
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Sean pfp
Seeing your friends win is fucking cool.
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Sean pfp
It's nice to run your addresses through the Etherscan token approvals tool every now and then.
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Sean pfp
AI deciphering 2,000 year old scrolls from Mt. Vesuvius
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Sean pfp
Anthropology is a good base for investing. Studying networks, cults, memes, culture, demographics, objects of value throughout history. As an investor you’re looking for something undervalued and betting that more capital will flow into it. Knowing history and human nature helps.
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Sean pfp
If a lesson doesn’t have some pain in it, you didn’t learn a lesson and you will be taught again.
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Sean pfp
The Crucifixion by Fra Angelico, circa 1440, commissioned by Cosimo Medici who gave much help and advice with regard to the details of the painting. Currently it is in the Met Gallery in New York.
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Sean pfp
Somebody posted this in the golf channel on Reddit.
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Sean pfp
A lesson earned though living is true knowledge; a lesson learned through reading is just a hypothesis.
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Sean pfp
If they’re a crypto investor and don’t hold a motherfucker, idk something doesn’t seem right
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Sean pfp
My uncle took this from Cincinnati, OH today
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