Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
Social networks need global name spaces to get mainstream adoption.
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Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
I don't really think this is axiomatically true. Facebook doesn't really have a notable global namespace. 1:1 (friend) networks are likely fine without, I agree that 1:many (follow) networks pretty much require it.
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
A global graph where any two users can be friends required global identifiers
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Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Sure, the database needs to enforce uniqueness but Facebook doesn't really have usernames (at least not useful, user facing ones) in the same way follow networks like twitter, snapchat etc do. Maybe one way of thinking about it is that when real names are used, username namespace is less important.
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Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
In the early days of FB they genuinely didn't have a global namespace but you're totally right that it didn't reach mainstream adoption until it did. Slack is an interesting example where there isn't a global namespace for all intents and purposes. Maybe not really a social network.
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