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I saw someone post about running TLSNotary on EigenLayer AVS. This does not work in the general case. EL requires defined rules to slash stake for trust to propagate to the AVS. If you verify a proof by committee, the user can change the truth in b/w generating a proof from the committee.
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Say I want to generate a proof of bank balance. A committee of 10 nodes is selected. After the 6th session, I make a debit card tx to change the balance. The last 4 will then be slashed, even though they did nothing wrong. This architecture only works for a subset of https requests.
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Must the sessions be sequential? Can it assumes an honest majority and take the form of: 1. Threshold TLS key generated by 10 nodes 2. The nodes simultaneously perform the TLS check 3. The nodes vote "Yes" / "No" 4. Majority vote == TLSNotary verification result
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SSL/TLS isn’t like ecdsa. You can’t do a threshold version of it. The only EC part of ssl/tls is the diffie-Hellman key exchange to get a shared secret. From the secret you derive a symmetric key like AES/ChaCha20.
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