proxy pfp
so many people have asked me why we aren't using a bonding curve + graduation to dex model. we could! but there are many launchpads on base that use such a model, wow is one example, wanting clanker to use this is interesting - why not just use those vs wanting clanker curves? because clanker is clanking this stuff matters so much less than we think. same goes for the unit bias, supply conversation. up good down bad
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Sangohan.base.eth 🟠 pfp
Sangohan.base.eth 🟠
Ah, important information πŸ™! Personally, I studied the case, and it’s for compatibility with the Mint Club SDK v2 that I thought it would have been cool. Child tokens of the Clanker token would have been awesome πŸ˜„. They already have so many ready-to-use features Airdrop, lockup, and more… But there are always solutions to use both. Uni tokens are perfect for reaching the widest audience right from launch, which is a significant advantage πŸš€.
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