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Samuel ツ
Typescript backend/API what is THE go to? Hearing lots of nest.js next.js and tRPC talks. Also love what Adonis.JS is doing in bundling things you need anyways like lavarel. Just don't know THE one
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Joe Petrich 🟪
Don't? What's the impetus for using typescript?
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Samuel ツ
fullstack being single language with react/react native frontends. Easy to hire awesome people and easy for anyone to understand/fix any code they encounter. move fast, also managable as single person
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Joe Petrich 🟪
Language isn't going to be a limiting factor for any competent developer in my experience. It's better to pick the right tool for the job. For frontend, there's no getting away from it, but there's 10 better options for backend. Awesome people don't insist on typescript.
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