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Samuel ツ pfp
Samuel ツ
Typescript backend/API what is THE go to? Hearing lots of nest.js next.js and tRPC talks. Also love what Adonis.JS is doing in bundling things you need anyways like lavarel. Just don't know THE one
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Gabriel Ayuso pfp
Gabriel Ayuso
for web app projects that don't need too much backend work building on NextJS is fine, especially if you want to ship something quickly and simple. If you want to push the envelope and not build yet-another-nextjs-app then don't use TS for backend, just for frontend (which can also be replace with a WASM lang).
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andrew pfp
t3 (with tRPC) is IMO the smoothest out of the gate with data typing and validation There are definitely limitations, but speed of execution and ease of deployment on Vercel makes it too easy
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
Don't? What's the impetus for using typescript?
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max ⚡ pfp
max ⚡
Agree with @jpetrich, but if app is Next.js on Vercel no reason to not use API routes imo. Otherwise it’s about what makes sense for you/team. Ex: I only know modern JS/TS tooling and needed to go fast so working with tRPC on @nilli, etc.
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sean pfp
i generally prefer other languages if i get the chance, but i gotta say the next.js ability to just create an /api directory to create endpoints (app router version) is shockingly simple. plus, just running it on vercel in only a few mins of setup (including a custom domain)- probably the best infra experience i've had
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Steve pfp
Might depend on your needs, but in my experience Next.js does just fine for less intensive tasks. It lets you build quick and dirty, then rewrite as necessary. More unified than anything else you’ll try out imo.
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jtgi pfp
If you want typescript, I'd use next.js or with prisma. With Prisma you'll have a fully typed backend. I'm using lately, next.js with app dir and server components is a bit early and complicated (right now). I'd avoid nest unless you like Java and want to go slow. Its also only API side.
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Mo pfp
Next.Js, it’s the five guys of web world Great value for money, fulfils all your requirements, sorts out front end and backend without much faffing around If back end only, koa (spiritual express successor) has worked great for me. Super lightweight and simple to use
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christopher pfp
NextJS + NestJS is a good combination. NextJS isn’t ready for backend yet for anything production grade IMO
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
SvelteKit + tRPC
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Mantej Rajpal 🇺🇸  pfp
Mantej Rajpal 🇺🇸
I’m also hearing lots of next.js
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‍‍ pfp
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