if you were rich how would you help people?
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
I am not rich but I still try to help people: I volunteer for a charity that helps move survivors of gender based violence, and I volunteer for another one that provides high school students in need of external scholarships. It’s easy to distribute money and give it away in some tangible forms like scholarships, but what matters more is what you do with your time. Even if you have a million dollars, if you don’t know how to distribute it properly or aren’t willing to spend your time learning how to make the best social change out of your dollar, your money will be ineffective. I prefer to run charities like for-profit companies, except the customers/beneficiaries are the people who need it the most ☺️
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I agree and it sounds like you do some cool stuff! As someone who has this insight about how you spend your time, say I gave you a billion dollars. What would you do then?
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Run it like Mackenzie Scott - she’s distributing $17b LOL
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Woah, first time I’m coming across this. 2 questions: 1. Where do they get their money from? 2. In your vision, given how you operate, would you distribute to for-profits?
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
1. She helped make Amazon and divorced Jeff Bezos 2. Ask me in 10 years, I am just a worker bee volunteer and I don’t know 😛
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Keep going! Good luck!
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