Sally pfp



273 Following

Sally pfp
Tks for sharing. One I want to make my kids watch - but they won’t. We were lucky to have the muppets.
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Sally pfp
FWIW - If her business relies on in person appointments then FC makes no sense. If she might sell an online course or paid webinar maybe then getting a small following here maybe worth it. But it will be small- subset of subset on here. FarcastHER has been overrun but a seperate channel would work.
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Sally pfp
Glad you are not ‘overly sad’ but I’m sad to read this as you are an FC Og so helped craft the culture from the start. You might find many people not feeling accepted of you look for them. 🤷‍♀️
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Sally pfp
I don’t even know what the ‘pantsuit club’ is but does this speak to the ‘faux inclusion’ you referenced? FWIW I’m white, straight, cis but 50, & at BC Brandnew I hit the ‘boundaries of acceptance’ pretty quick also. Arguably good for me I suppose as I have many places there are no such boundaries.
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Sally pfp
I can’t find the right segment but great articulation of the ‘need a profile to be successfull’ problem. Sad state where your work is only seen as good if thousands of strangers have ‘liked it or you’.
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Sally pfp
‘Faux-inclusion in Web3’ - accurate!
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Sally pfp
The challenge many women find is upon returning to work they can’t restart their career growth as they might want to, so many ‘off ramp’ their careers. If more men took time off it would have so many benefits - for the family, relationships & women’s careers as men would ‘get it’ after also being off.
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Sally pfp
Great topic. The US has 12 weeks leave employers have to give but UNPAID so most take 6 max. Here in NZ we have 6 months paid but govt payment is a capped amount so not full pay. What is needed now is to make it not just leave for mums but to be able to transfer it to dads also.
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Sally pfp
It’s 10 weeks plus 6 weeks pre birth
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Sally pfp
Can it be shared with the father?
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Sally pfp
Is it 3 months full pay or a govt allowance ?
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Sally pfp
Wow! 1.5 years. Is that a % of salary or does everyone get the same? If % is it capped? All govt funded for all women? Is it transferable to the other care giver?
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Sally pfp
I would love the help of this channel to get my SXSW Sydney submissions more community votes. If you have a chance today please vote : Register Then search (separately) : GenX, Community funding & Blockchain. My submissions all have the same image template as per these images. THANK YOU!
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Sally pfp
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Sally pfp
Well timed as I’m talking to a guy today who is all in on decentralisation but a large part of his biz plan is buying a ton of web2 profiles and selling the customer behaviour data from them? Ends justify the means ??
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Sally pfp
Which is interesting right as we think (& people are building for) non-crypto people will one day care about privacy / ownership ya da ya da when in fact we barely do?
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Sally pfp
It was a great convo, learnt a lot.
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Sally pfp
Austin butler is having a great few years. Well picked roles to follow up Elvis.
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Sally pfp
Ok so listened to the last ten mins so look forward to the even better interface coming! @nonlinear.eth
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Sally pfp
Ah...clearly I'm missing the context to recognise 🤦‍♀️
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