Ryan Berckmans pfp

Ryan Berckmans


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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
some thoughts on what a realistic issuance change proposal might look like https://twitter.com/ryanberckmans/status/1778124458303111658?t=FIhJrkz-zQrj4aD7ayDv_g&s=19
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
One way to sell things on behalf of a creator but without the creator's permission is to use an oauth wallet derived from their social handles, such as @patch. The money accumulates but only the social account holder can claim it.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
Posted on the other app about how Circle seems to be imploring Congress to make non-US-licensed stablecoins illegal to run or hold. Imagine if holding DAI was a felony. That seems to be Circle's goal 😱 https://twitter.com/ryanberckmans/status/1758946166580875652
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
the tech is being adapted into a decentralized, multi-L2 ecommerce checkout solution for Devcon 7 ticket payments https://forum.devcon.org/t/dip-34-proposal-for-a-new-ticket-payment-plugin-for-devcon-7/3350
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
A space for all things related to payments on ethereum and in crypto 😍🤑💰
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
3cities is a payment protocol focused on accessibility and credible neutrality Today, 3cities launched Pay Pages for every ethereum address and ens Earn tips and get paid across ten L2s 3cities.xyz
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
BSC and Tron are indisputably highly centralized and undeniably very successful. They serve as an excellent case study on when and why centralization in web3 can be valuable. If we study the value of centralization in web3, that helps us understand the value of decentralization, too.
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Tarun Sachdeva pfp
Tarun Sachdeva
Wanted to [re]introduce Round.space to Farcaster, and announce that all code for the project is now open source on Github (github.com/round-space/). Round is a rewards toolkit for onchain communities, useful for building bounty and microgrant programs. Two ways to try it out: Round.new and Round.space. ⬇
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
Find any Ethereum personality- the kind of people who set the overton window around here- and ask them why decentralization is important- a question they'll love to answer- and then ask them why BSC and Tron are so successful, and watch them ramble and flounder. Then go figure out why BSC and Tron are so successful.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
There are great answers to these questions, but I've found the community to be genuinely unreceptive to them. The only reason I'd claim to "know better" is that I came from a serendipitously cross-functional background and spent four years as a hardcore app layer researcher. Most others have been focused on infra.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
This week, 3cities, the decentralized payments protocol, will launch tipping and payment pages for any address on Ethereum. The url 3cities .xyz/#/<address or ens> will become a tipping and payment page for anyone, with automatic L2 defragmentation and multiple currencies. It's also always available on IPFS
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
It's interesting that normies smashed through onboarding friction to participate in the NFT gold rush of Q1/Q2 2021. Creating NFTs with the expectation (and reality) of high sales is a kind of earning potential. Gambling is another kind. We can cultivate earning potentials. That's actually why I'm working on payments
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
As Jason observed, less decentralized chains can still be valuable. But an important question is: why? If we better understood that question and its answer, then we'd be better at marketing our own high level of decentralization for having clarified its opportunity cost.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
Looking forward to chatting!
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
I think there's hundreds of millions of people, maybe billions, that want to sell on the internet without a traditional vehicle like a corporation or bank account. It's part of 3cities mission to enable this, but we are initially focused on the core payment UX and we're not there yet.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
If you want to build in the crypto checkout space, we should talk. Sam tried 3cities, which was kind of her, but when I offered to help, I didn't realize she was using Shopify, which we don't support yet. Crypto checkout is a crowded space. 3cities is the only decentralized solution, and also helps L2 defragmentation
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
Thanks for the fun! Yeah, 3cities doesn't support Shopify yet by design, so without deep integration to checkout and inventory, it's not a lovely experience. Right now, 3cities is best for fire and forget payments, like donations and interpersonal payments. We're working on our first SDK+ecom checkout now.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
I worked on prediction markets for years, including at predictions global, augur core team, and on predictit pro tooling. Here's one of the most important papers in prediction markets. Pay close attention to the "market design" section https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KidGnQGfOLM6dqjLDdwu32Xgc94xs1C8/view?usp=drivesdk
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
onmomentous.io launched recently and does this. It's built on immutable X.
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Ryan Berckmans pfp
Ryan Berckmans
imo 4488 didn't ship because people are scared to acknowledge the reality of the likely long duration of timelines to ship bigger changes. For example, a lot of people earlier this year swore up and down that 4844 would ship this year. But it was pretty obvious it wouldn't. Sometimes raw bravery is the answer.
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