Ryan Berckmans
Build a L2 safety micro info site: Build a very tiny info site to provide a simplified view of L2 safety. You will rank top 10 or more L2s with one green safety checkmark ✅ per green pie slice on L2Beat. The site will be extremely simple and the community will link it to people who are overwhelmed by L2Beat's amazing but detailed data. 1 claim available, DM or reply here or on X (@ryanberckmans) before starting work. Your repo will be open source, with a simple embedded dataset (prefer JSON or typescript strongly typed literal) of L2 security that can easily be updated by anyone and merged by you or me, and auto-deployed by your github CI/CD. Site must be good looking, mobile responsive, etc. The site will be hosted at L2Safety .com and L2Safety .eth.link, I registered the domain and ENS already. 50 USDC for a static site that requires data to be manually updated. 300 USDC if you make it auto-update itself based on L2Beat's data, so that the site is always up-to-date. @bountybot
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Ryan Berckmans
Please note this bounty is currently being worked on by an accepted candidate. I appreciate all your other applications and will reach out if the bounty isn't completed.
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