Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth) pfp
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
If crypto is useless what does that say about Visa and Paypal. It's not 2015 anymore. Crypto eating the world.
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ibi patria 🎩πŸ₯· pfp
ibi patria 🎩πŸ₯·
The diagram also shows that crypto has not replaced anything it pretended to improve upon. Not a dent.
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SolanaDEGEN1 🎩 β€œQ” pfp
SolanaDEGEN1 🎩 β€œQ”
I was a stock broker at one point in my life and sending a wire to another country was probably the toughest task… and that was not really my core job haha
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Joonatan Lintala | Phaver@FarCon pfp
Joonatan Lintala | Phaver@FarCon
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