Rome pfp



92 Following

Rome pfp
Just realised how bad I am watching movies. 10 minutes into the movie and I am already getting bored. Is that partly because of all the alternative ways of entertainment, with digital social interaction being one of these? Who can relate?
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Rome pfp
Astonished of how my previous post about "user proximity" turns into reality when @cdixon.eth liked my most recent cast. Amazing to see how creator budget for feed promotion (also covered in the book) does not degrade UX on FC. It feels that we are onto something! 💜
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Rome pfp
Just begun delving into the piece of @cdixon.eth. The more I read into it, the more imminent and inevitable the entire Blockchain/Web3 narrative becomes. Change is knocking on the door!💡
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Rome pfp
Even though I didn't get any feedback/traction on my casts yet, I somehow prefer posting here to all other social networks. I subtle feel closer to the peoples I follow, which is probably because there is less noise of what is going on in the space atm.
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Rome pfp
The less time I spend checking my phone for messages or scrolling on social media, the more I feel is happening during that time period. Consequently, receiving input in bulks feels far more satisfying, then constantly being up to date. Who can relate?
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Rome pfp
Still unsure what to prefer Warpcast or (prev Lenster). UX is pretty much on the same level imo but should probably look more under the hood. If sb knows what killer usecase sets one of them apart based on its architecture, I‘d be happy to hear!
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Rome pfp
I just minted my /ethdenver Crypto Cup on /icebreaker! 🧊🧊🧊 ➡️ 🇮🇸 Break the ice with enough attendees and win a trip to Iceland 👀 Mint here:
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Rome pfp
It feels that legitimacy issues in crypto social are still causing tremendous mistrust in the industry. What about a feature that allows a crypto project’s sequencer connect with the corresponding account and based on underlying activity it becomes obvious whether that account is trustworthy. Technically possible?
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Rome pfp
Oftentimes, it is hard to consider each nutritional aspect when pursuing fitness goals. Building up muscles while losing fat is obviously fairly challenging. My priority has always been: 1) high protein intakes 2) low calorie intake 3) What would you add as a third critical component to not overshoot complexity?
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Rome pfp
Any student out there that also feels far more excited about Web3 Social and DeFi than what you are actually studying at University?
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