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The biggest outstanding question on our Nouns proposal for streaming grants continues to be: How do we structure the recursive stream tree and decide the list of approved grants recipients in each pool? Luckily, there's a mechanism out there for aligning incentives around the creation of lists. prop updated 🤝
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curious your thoughts @frog @spencerperkins.eth @seneca @noun40 h/t @nounishprof for getting us to commit to a direction
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Great! glad to see more clarity on this. For those who are less technical, can you give an example of how this will work? And I think picking a direction, testing in real time, and iterating as needed is a good approach.
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for sure! basically, we need to curate a list of top level budgets, and then a list of grants recipients within each budget, ideally in a way that's aligned with the interests of the DAO. TCRs a solid (largely experimental) mechanism in crypto for aligning incentives around the curation of high quality lists. An example, I think Nouns should be funding more work that "Improves public spaces" so I create a draft of a budget w/a short description, responsibilities, and long term goals for funding people to improve public spaces. I then go onto the streams site, post my budget with a deposit of $nouns. Anyone is able to challenge my budget request by matching the deposit of $nouns and then sending my budget proposal to a challenge period upon which other token holders vote to decide whether the challenge is successful or not. if it is, the winning party of voters receives the tokens from the other group.
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Is each budget just $nouns? Or would it be funded in eth by the DAO? Or is each Nouner given a pot of funding to add to this? Just trying to figure out where the $nouns that are being put up to set up the stream.
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No to be clear the $nouns are used as a bond / deposit for applicants The budgets will be streams of USDC
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Gotcha! Thanks for all the clarifications
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