rish pfp
1/4 Saw discussion related to FIP-2 in posts. Focusing on just FIP-2 specifically, imo FIP-2 is inline with creating a decentralized, Turing-complete, social protocol (https://hackmd.io/@farcasterxyz/Hyyt7NFb2).
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rish pfp
2/4 Creators being able to embed and respond to onchain events natively enables richer, newer experiences (embedded NFTs, channels in WC are good examples) that not only WC but anyone can use. @neynar started w/ @nftcaster but will move to direct responses to txns since the experience is much better.
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rish pfp
3/4 Similarly excited for a number of other discussions happening around expanding protocol functionality, both near term and long term: decentralized follows (called Links), ENS support, emoji reactions, and obviously, permissionless onboarding. Find them here: https://github.com/farcasterxyz/protocol/discussions
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