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Rhett Shipp
Dumb question - If a rollup switches out DA to some low cost DA solution, is there a major difference in cost savings if it’s ZK vs Optimistic? What’s the best way to think about the differences there?
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Rhett Shipp
cc: @eigenda @celestia @availproject @near
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Optimistic rollups need more storage, because they need to publish enough information for anyone to replay the transactions. Validity rollups only need to publish the state differences, and a short proof that transition followed the rules. It's a tradeoff of compute and storage. Thus saving is larger for optimistic.
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Avail Project
Hey Rhett! Do you mean if it makes a difference if the rollup’s construct is ZK or optimistic?
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assuming a "honest" centralized sequencer + decentralized fraud proof system (i.e. anyone can submit fraud proofs) over the long run, optimiums will be cheaper, simply because they do not submit zk-proofs for finality (which can have variable/fixed gas costs) but rely on the "challenge period" for finality
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