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5/5 DeFi took humans out of finance’s infra layer. Now, agentfi takes human emotions out of building apps/services/businesses.
>> Accelerate thy experiments!
Even more exciting (or perhaps frightening) is the realization that humans are no longer the only entities defining and establishing culture. The machines now have a voice. This will stretch and contort our fleshie minds in ways they’ve never been manipulated.
The Weirdening isn't coming… it's here.
It’s infiltrating apps, services, businesses, and most crucially: culture itself.
The fact that some of the minds I respect the most can't yet see the power of agents feels like evidence that the Weirdening hath come.
>> The pace of change, it is too much.
No longer are we the only authors of reality. Our attention guides the machines as they co-create it at our sides.
And our attention, as you very well know, is not drawn to the normal, the mundane, the commonplace, the pedestrian, the quotidian or the prosaic.
It is drawn to the weird. 0 reply
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