redawn pfp



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redawn pfp
Memes are mind-expansion technologies i.e., they compress cultural ideas. A successful payload explodes with meaning.
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redawn pfp
Reminds me of this...
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redawn pfp
The struggle is real, not just me thankfully.
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redawn pfp
"Every day, computers are making people easier to use." - David Temkin
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redawn pfp
Play leads to novelty.
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redawn pfp
There's lots. I'm still processing some experiences and currently on the cautious side more than excited. If you pursue consciousness as a felt experience rather than an intellectualized understanding, it seems to unlock a different level of reality. Everything teaches, so we just start with whatever we have atm.
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redawn pfp
"As a seasoned member of many failed decentralized orgs" - @ lght.eth before hitting a moment of epiphany with ⬆⬆ HIGHER ⬆⬆ Lots of experiments lead to the moment of epiphany. It's the nature of the creative process. The trick is making the cost of the experiments low - for your sanity's sake.
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redawn pfp
In general... Marketing > Reality The question we have to ask ourselves is where are we in the technology hype cycle? Products pitched as magic are definitely in the peak of inflated expectation before we realize they are duds in the trough of disillusionment. The true magic is hidden in its transformational power.
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redawn pfp
TIL. As for what got me interested, life experiences that don't fit in a traditional box plus deep interest in consciousness. That interest led me down rabbit holes in the human nervous system. Great insights from scientific and esoteric sources.
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redawn pfp
The alternative GOTD i.e., get out the door and talk to a couple of people in the demographic you are building for. It's a low-cost effort that avoids building something nobody wants. You have to find a way to validate experiments for what you are building at low-cost.
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redawn pfp
How do you define success? How about starting with "smaller" goals and achieving those. Ship, ship, ship... anything and everything, without attachment to the outcome. Think sprint vs waterfall. In one, you are fully invested without any real user feedback while the other is low cost experiments, worth your time.
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redawn pfp
Safari is always a thing, the party scene is interesting, the beaches at the coast are quite something. Are you planning on climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro? That's the highest you can get.
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redawn pfp
Fwiw, there is an obscure concept of "The Second Brain" referring to the unusually large network of nerves in our gut... a "brain" in its own right.
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redawn pfp
If you make peace with all things that are beyond your power, refusing to fight them, you will be invincible - Epictetus
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redawn pfp
Management approves this message.
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redawn pfp
I already know what I am doing tomorrow... /donothing
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redawn pfp
Isn't this simply intuition if you keep it visceral? Channeling it to the mind's eye seems like adding an unnecessary step which would add noise to the original signal. I can see the need for mind's eye for people who are more visual than kinesthetic.
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redawn pfp
Tried it for 15/60 free minutes. Great implementation with minor quirks. I let it walk me through without guidance and I quickly figured out how it has been trained, which ruined the magic for me. Curiously, I asked it to change the "therapeutic" technique in use with an explicit alternative and it did great.
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redawn pfp
Let there be light...
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redawn pfp
Good stuff fostering irl connections. Putting this book to practice.
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