randhawa pfp



59 Following

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
"Base has overtaken Ethereum" ~= "Austin has overtaken America"
257 replies
226 recasts
1668 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
TVL is not the goal; TVL is a necessary evil. Every dollar locked in a (especially immature) protocol instead of being locked in a simple and secure wallet is to some extent a security risk. Sometimes we have to take that risk to get valuable benefits, but locking for the sake of locking should be minimized.
103 replies
171 recasts
963 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
9,328 unique FIDs have verified a Solana address in less than 24 hours
120 replies
81 recasts
557 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Convex mindset be like: So you say that it's HEALTHY to drink WATER? Well, if you take that idea to its LOGICAL CONCLUSION, you end up essentially advocating for people to put a GARDEN HOSE down their throats and pour WATER in until they're DEAD. So maybe this WATER thing ISN'T SO WISE AFTER ALL.
216 replies
257 recasts
1459 reactions

randhawa pfp
Does farcaster have user-specific search? Looking for a Vitalik response to a trolley problem meme I saw a while ago but am unable to find
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2 reactions

Tweak Labs pfp
Tweak Labs
WISH YOU WERE BASED. Farcaster exclusive 24 hr open edition mint on @base using /frames 🔵 Must recast to mint 🤝 https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/33949936
60 replies
366 recasts
238 reactions

drewcoffman pfp
in Read Write Own, @cdixon.eth cites the slow demise of RSS (driven by Twitter and Google) as a cautionary tale of giving centralized orgs too much power RSS 4EVER 💔
8 replies
4 recasts
29 reactions

Hoot 🎩 pfp
Hoot 🎩
I promised to open source yesterday's degen🤝regen manifesto mint frame so here it is 🚀 https://github.com/lottopgf/zora-mint-frame If you have any issues just ping me :) Of course it's also deployed with its own free mint 👀 As always: like, recast and click the button! https://zora-mint-frame.vercel.app/
151 replies
596 recasts
691 reactions

Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
1 reply
2 recasts
7 reactions

randhawa pfp
I often notice that when you bring up an idea people tend to think of its biggest possible version by default Big time business persons, big scientists, etc. But that’s almost sure to not come to fruition. A better idea may be to think of the smallest appropriate scale possible
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randhawa pfp
Does chocolate taste different in different shapes?
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0 reaction

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
The promise and challenges of crypto + AI applications: https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/01/30/cryptoai.html
65 replies
143 recasts
544 reactions

ccarella pfp
If Purple put up 5 ETH in prizes for a February Frames Hack Month, where teams submit their Frames and we vote on our favorites to receive ETH rewards, are there other Organizations who would want to participate in the funding and voting? 🟪➕?
2 replies
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12 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Stop ideating. Start shipping.
12 replies
10 recasts
165 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Turns out building a social network where all users have public-private key pairs under-the-hood is good for developer experience.
14 replies
20 recasts
133 reactions

randhawa pfp
Hi Farcaster, wish everyone a great week!
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1 reaction

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Welcome to @garrytan, CEO of Y Combinator! He’s kindly agreed to do an AMA. Reply with your questions. :)
116 replies
26 recasts
199 reactions

randhawa pfp
hello warp cast, it’s cold today
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0 reaction

randhawa pfp
hello all, hope this cast goes far
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randhawa pfp
Welcome to Purple, @rolfhoefer!
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1 reaction