Peter Zakin pfp
Peter Zakin
A concept i'd like a good name for is how ahead of conventional attitudes you are on a particular subject. It's sort of like the time dimension of edge or alpha. On a given subject, you might be months or years ahead of the market...
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Peter Zakin pfp
Peter Zakin
E.g. a few months ago, being aware of langchain seemed like some kind of alpha. But by now it's no longer narrowly known that the project is promising. So thats a case where my mental-drift (ugh thats terrible) from the mainstream was ~3 months.
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Jackson πŸŽ©πŸ– pfp
Jackson πŸŽ©πŸ–
p.s. generalised interchain networks are an example of this. Obvs. this pumps my bags but it’s genuinely been an OS upgrade to my web3 model πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ 12 months max until everyone upgrades from L2Hype v6.7 to Interchain v1.3
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