pugson pfp
telegram just added stories
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Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍵🎵 pfp
Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍵🎵
What are your overall sentiments of Telegram as a community engagement platform vs the other alternatives? (Discord, Slack, Geneva, Google Chat, etc.)
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pugson pfp
telegram is great for small communities. it’s one of the best apps on my phone. slack is trash for conversations (no message replies, annoying threads ux) discord is too cluttered and spams you with notifications geneva is not an app i’ve heard about google chat ????????
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
Funny enough there's an app called Threads (not that one) that's supposed to be real good But telegram is good enough so 🤷🏻‍♂️
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pugson pfp
yeah i’ve seen it around. might be a good slack replacement. didn’t try it yet!
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
The thing is I don't like slack So why would I try an alternative 😂
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