Michael Pfister @ FarCon pfp
Michael Pfister @ FarCon
The password is almost dead Passkeys have been out almost a month now and the UX is really good This is the kind of experience web3 needs to onboard more users
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pugson pfp
i've one used a passkey with google and they keep insisting i make a new passkey on the device i'm logging into right after it lets me in
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Michael Pfister @ FarCon pfp
Michael Pfister @ FarCon
Passkeys are per device, but Apple syncs the passkey to icloud so you can use it from any device youโ€™re logged in to iCloud. Not sure if Google does that, so maybe thatโ€™s why itโ€™s asking you to add the device you logged in on as a passkey?
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