zinger, wake, basil are some of a few fc users that seem to really build and stand by long term positions as traders think that farcaster is on average more dump-y than the twitter trenches, not sure what explains that or if its even a reality (could just be my perception)
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kevin j
not enough people participating so fears that it doesn't go the distance, leads to paperhanding more breakthrough coins will solve this but so far only clanker and anon have breached 10m this cycle it's greed and fear at the same time
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youre describing crypto markets generally, but I agree and personally do not ape more than I can afford to on anything I'm up big just because the stuff that people like built on I held longer term its hard, trading should not be easy if it was everyone would do it and then we'd all be finance bros
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kevin j
yea i hold a few big positions that i don't really sell trading more so in sol ecosystem than here i would bet that many farcasters have diff behavior trading base/fc memecoins vs sol memecoins, as the sol ones set precedent of breaking 100m, 500m, 1b
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more than saying these markets are any different than the rest (they really aren't) I think that farcaster users have less trading experience on average, so maybe have unrealistic expectations? but this is all changing fast and I'm speaking not from authority, but from assumptions which is sort of dumb
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kevin j
yes agreed i don't think that's a bad thing. personally i believe trading is the modern equivalent of hunting/gathering and people should value financial independence. but it comes at a cost to many of the builders here who are probs focused on creating and find prices distracting. not sure if many would value trading enough to accumulate experience long term ppl resonate with memecoins with a builder community more here more so than pure memes
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