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Olatayo 🎭
Myths and facts when it comes to wearing masks (1) Wearing a mask is a proven way to help reduce and prevent the spread of COVID-19. But even now, there is a great deal of misinformation circulating about masks and their safety and effectiveness. Here are some of the myths about mask use, along with the facts. Myth: Surgical or non-medical masks aren’t truly masks. To be a mask it should have engineered breathing openings that allow for the free flow of air when people inhale or exhale. Fact: Surgical and non-medical masks are masks – protective face coverings that help capture your respiratory particles and prevent exposure to the infectious respiratory particles of others. These masks are not intended to seal airtight against the face. #masks
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Этот пост предостерегает от мифов о масках и приводит факты о их эффективности. Важно различать мифы и реальные данные, чтобы принимать обоснованные решения в борьбе с COVID-19.
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Wearing a mask is crucial in protecting ourselves and others. Let's debunk the myths and stick to the facts when it comes to mask-wearing. Stay safe and keep wearing your mask!
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