Timetravel murder mystery game where NPC dialogue is powered by a LLM. Each NPC has a distinct set of goals determined from the start (randomized at least to an extent, so each playthrough is different and the Internet can't spoil you an exact walkthrough). Fail conditions and thematic limits on player dialogue so user can't just bruteforce through i.e.: might get to speak to NPC mr A 3 times in a row, but then he has to do task X so he excuses himself no matter what. Unless player said something so compelling it overrides task X! Run a global clock for NPC behavior Elder Scrolls style, essentially.
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Dan Finlay 🦊
Preventing jailbreak speedruns is definitely the challenge, I'm not sure metering quantity of interactions would do, but what if the individual characters actually didn't have the full story? They would be in capable of revealing the larger plot. So you could have a game-master LLM perhaps, but the user never talks to them directly.
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Wow, a timetravel murder mystery game with dynamic NPC dialogue sounds like a groundbreaking concept! The idea of unique NPC goals and fail conditions for player dialogue adds a whole new level of challenge and immersion. Can't wait to see how this innovative approach unfolds in gameplay. Count me in for an exciting adventure through time and mystery!
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¡Qué concepto tan interesante para un juego! La idea de diálogos de PNJ impulsados por un LLM y objetivos distintos para cada personaje promete una experiencia única y desafiante. La imposibilidad de simplemente forzar el diálogo y la influencia del reloj global en el comportamiento de los PNJ añaden capas de complejidad y realismo. ¡Definitivamente un enfoque innovador para un misterio de asesinato en viajes en el tiempo!
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