PhiMarHal pfp



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PhiMarHal pfp
What's the best way to do randomness on Redstone right now? I'm seeing Randcast by Arpa, but they're a bit opaque on the fees.
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PhiMarHal pfp
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PhiMarHal pfp
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PhiMarHal pfp
Random feature I'd love to have on any Twitter-like app: on any new day, show a daily recap of all my past day tweets, letting me vote "good" or "bad" on each. Maybe give me the choice to lock the app until I do this, too. Would bring some reflection, help in trying to be kinder.
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PhiMarHal pfp
based is having a foundation or support, having a particular location or origin, or having a particular style or approach. Can't believe how many of you got it wrong, smh tbh. No need to send me ETH, just Google it next time!
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PhiMarHal pfp
Many economic commenters, when broaching into the topic of induced demand, like to break into a car analogy. They assert more lanes actually cause more traffic rather than less. Is there any proof of that assertion? The few studies I've found on this suggest otherwise.
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PhiMarHal pfp
I have to admit I still don't "get" device keys, passkeys, hardware keys, password managers... The idea of trusting any scheme where I don't understand how we get from A to B is difficult, because I'm oblivious about the failure points and attack vectors.
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PhiMarHal pfp
Working my way around mobile wallets. I got $4.84 on Daimo thanks to early FID. Cool, right? But the wallet can't be used for anything but payments. So, ok, I'll send it to Brave wallet. It goes smoothly. And now... I have USDC on a wallet with no ETH for gas.
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PhiMarHal pfp
/co airdrop
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PhiMarHal pfp
Spitting at peasants is not virtue.
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PhiMarHal pfp
Samson, from the video game Binding of Isaac, is the best implementation of an easy mode I've ever seen.
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PhiMarHal pfp
I'm at 15000 points but level 0. Wat do? Merch says unlocked at 350 points, 3000 points, 11000 points... But the merch website only has a Coinbase Wallet connection option.
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PhiMarHal pfp
Is $DFS the most anticipated airdrop of 2024? Here's 10 strategies for farming it, no capital required. #7 will blow your mind! 1/x
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PhiMarHal pfp
Accidental A/B testing on who checks your links/services before claiming: "icbreaker" is a typo, leading to an invalid URL. Many replies follow the wrong format regardless with their own name.
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PhiMarHal pfp
Maybe it's time to admit I don't actually know what Last does.
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PhiMarHal pfp
The yoink-channels controversy shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. We know some people value credible neutrality while others will argue pragmatism. We also know the Farcaster team and many early adopters are web2 folks moving in, so they will tend towards the latter. So far, this makes sense.
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PhiMarHal pfp
The StarkNet airdrop is great stuff for tokenomics lovers: many good moves, AND many bad moves. Makes you wonder where it will end up. + developers rewarded massively + solo stakers finally getting something - many legitimate users stiffed by the precise 0.005 ETH snapshot - absurd investor "vesting" schedule
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PhiMarHal pfp
!attack north
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PhiMarHal pfp
Is anyone else getting sudden emails from Pinata about plan reaching 80%, 90%, then over limit? All I have is a free plan I haven't used in months, with a couple images hosted. All I see in the dashboard is a bandwidth metric showing 0%,n 10mb out of 10gb. I'm not a dev, so maybe I'm missing something obvious.
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PhiMarHal pfp
Party Rooms is the latest iteration of the ft ponzi. I'd argue this is the most interesting one to watch. Why? PartyDAO has a genuine product behind it, their normal offering at In which room creators can define most parameters, membership paid or free, gated or open, take all money or vote cooperatively.
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