Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@ccarella.eth @billzh and all @purple people @ajay is dealing w an increasingly common problem a lot of people are struggling w rn as Purple grows Is there a way we can set aside every 5th or 10th Purple for a bit and do a lottery for anyone who wants one, but doesn't have one yet?
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phil pfp
I would instead suggest that people who want to participate but can’t afford it should offer to provide services and get paid via a token airdrop
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
That’s interesting! Can you say more tangibly what you see the offer looking like?
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phil pfp
“I will do “x” service and in exchange you will mint and airdrop me a @purple NFT. Where x depends on the person and the holders decide if the proposed service is worth the FMV of a token
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I think I'd love to see this as a sizeable chunk of how people join Purple 👀
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