Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
If you’ve been using GPT-4 to help you code, how much more productive has it made you?
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rish pfp
Dramatically reduced time spent on debugging and stack overflow
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Kuririn pfp
The change is definitely very significant.
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Keith Axline pfp
Keith Axline
Probably over 50% time reduction on a wide variety of tasks. It makes tedious things fun, which is an intangible but arguably more important.
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
Incredibly problem dependent. Goes from 0 to about 2x or 3x for me.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I literally decided to not hire a junior engineer because after a trial I got more time back with better output
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
ChatGPT turned me from a 0x engineer into a 0.2x engineer
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daniel pfp
Great. I'm not an engineer and have built things I'd need to assign to someone else.
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ben pfp
50/60% but also starting to see the dark side of it. Some times o over rely on it and end up spending times on things that didn’t really matter.
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